Also for entrée was Salmon Mousse. This is not to be found in All About Cookery, so we will have to repair to the 70's (which perhaps is a better place for salmon mousse to reside) and Mrs Beeton's Simple Cookery in Colour for the recipe. Please note the tasty fish aspic that also surrounds my salmon mousse...

INGREDIENTS. - 1/2 lb of cooked salmon or 1 X 7 3/4 oz. can of salmon
1/2 oz. of powdered gelatine
1/2 a pint of fish stock
salt and pepper
1/4 of a cucumber, sliced
A few slices of tomato
METHOD. - Drain the oil from the canned salmon, and take out any skin and bones. Mash the fins in a basin.
Sprinkle the gelatine on the fish stock, to soften it. Season it. Then heat the stock gently, stirring it, until the gelatine melts; a spoonful will then be clear, without specks.
Rinse the inside of a china souffle dish or cake tin with cold water. Pour in a thin layer of the stock, and let it set.
Arrange cucumber slices on the set jelly in a pattern. Very gently, pour a little more stock over them. Let this set too.
Add a layer of salmon, press it down gently with a fork, cover with stock and leave to set once more. Repeat this process until you have used all the salmon and stock. (If the stock looks like setting, warm it a little)
Keep the mousse in a refrigerator or somewhere cool until you want to use it. Then turn it out. Run a sharp knife round the sides of the dish, to loosen the mousse.
Put a serving dish upside down on top of the dish. Turn the dish and plate over together, and jerk them to dislodge the mousse. (If it will not come out easily, hold a hot wet cloth over the dish for a moment.)
Decorate with cucumber and tomato.
3-4 helpings.

Or use a fish mould which is way cooler... pretty yummy although a little too gelatinous for me... and definitely too much left over stock - hence the fish aspic...
Thanks but I think I'll stick with grilled or baked salmon. Oh, and my grandma used to make a wonderful salmon pie. :)
Wow! You did a fantastic job. I am not a huge salmon fan, but I might even be tempted by that.
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