Monday, December 22, 2008

"The finest housekeeper in the world"

is apparently what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle thought of Mrs B.

In his study of married life, A Duet; with an occasional Chorus, he makes his heroine say "Mrs Beeton must have been the finest housekeeper in the world. Therefore, Mr Beeton must have been the happiest and most comfortable man."

Not only this glowing praise (although not having actually read A Duet I cannot say if this was for real or not) but Mrs Beeton has also been 'the guide, philosopher and friend of countless happy homes for more that half a century. Her Cookery book, of which this is one of the most successful, have appeared among the wedding presents of brides as surely as the proverbial salt cellars, and thousands of grateful letters for all English-speaking countries testify that they have often proved the most useful gifts of all.'

Nothing I like more than a bit of shameless self-promotion...(when I have a band that's going to be the name of my first album), but I found it rather amusing to be reading this in the preface to my cookery book, desperately convincing me to purchase the copy I am holding in my hands.

Mrs Beeton is 'without a rival', the book is 'tried and tested' which 'while little has been taken away, much has been added', espeically to fit with the 'CHANGING TIMES', and absolutely 'no expense, however great, has been spared in obtaining the best possible results' for the illustrations and photographic reproductions. My editions not only has over 2,000 practical recipes, but also 12 paltes in colour and over 250 illustrations...

Whew, that's sure sold me then.


atomicliving said...

This is on MY christmas list this year. I collect antique books, so I am going to have to take a trip to the city to my favorite antiquarian book store, ramble up the 4 flights of stairs to the old servants quarters of the brownstone which houses the bookstore to the oldest books. I want to find an old copy! But, I will take a new one to get started.

weenie_elise said...

i'm quite keen to get a copy of the 'household management' book to see what the difference is