INGREDIENTS - Eggs, buttered toast, salt, vinegar or lemon-juice
METHOD - Eggs for poaching should be fresh, but not new-laid; for if poached before they have been laid 36 hours, the white is so milky that it is almost impossible to coagulate it. To prepare, boil some water in a shallow stewpan or deep frying-pan, add salt to taste, and allow to each pint of water 1 tablespoon of vinegar, or 1 teaspoon of lemon-juice. Break the egg into a cup, taking care to keep the yolk whole, and when the water boils, remove the pan to the side of the fire, and gently slip the egg into it. Tilt the pan, with a teaspoon gently fold the white of the egg over the yolk, so as to produce a plump appearance, and simmer gently until the white is set. Take it up carefully with a slice, trim the edges if necessary, and serve either on buttered toast, slices of ham or bacon, or spinach.
TIME - About 5 minutes to cook. SUFFICIENT, allow 1 or 2 eggs for each person
Do you think the vinegar and lemon juice did the trick?
My cookbook goes on and on at the beginning of the bit about eggs with tips to figure out whether your eggs are still good or not. They didn't have the luxury of expiration dates, so unless they owned the chickens themselves... I guess it must've been a sketchy situation for city-dwellin' egg eaters!
yes, not only a whole section on how to buy fresh eggs (apparently an experienced shopper can tell just by the size, weight and appearance - stale eggs being lighter you see), but also tips on how to sweeten rancid butter... gotta love that thriftyness
oh, and i think using the spoon to fold the white over the yolk helped... i think i always just presumed that the egg would want to stay together - not so.
ooh, I am going to try this. Since I have my own chickens (tho only one lil gal has started laying) I can be fairly exact about the date. My mother in law (who also keeps a little decorative flock of 4) writes the date laid on each on with a pencil as collected. She is VERY organized. As for chickens in the city, it would have been qutie common and in fact necessary to keep chickens. Here in the states, many laws regarding city chickens are being lifted ( no roosters tho!) as many people are trying to be more frugal, more green, and don't want to support large farms that ill treat their animals. It is an exciting movement. There are many of us, me included obviously, obsessed with chickens. They are like potatoe chips, get one and u can't stop! Pets that give u food, u gotta love it!
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